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Rocket League®


Rocket League is a game about cars playing football. No, not that football. FOOTBALL. Either way, the concept is crazy. The good news is that it works quite well and could easily pass as a AAA title. Rocket league is still one of the most popular esports titles in existence. With the release of a Nintendo Switch version, the legacy continues on...[read more below]

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Cars. Football. Rockets. Ready?


Rocket League is a game about cars playing football. No, not that football. FOOTBALL. Either way, the concept is crazy. The good news is that it works quite well and could easily pass as a AAA title. Rocket league is still one of the most popular esports titles in existence. With the release of a Nintendo Switch version, the legacy continues on newer consoles.


Rocket League takes place in several closed arenas that act as more than just a background. Distinct advantages are gained by running over powerups laid over the arena which fills up your boost. Instead of human opponents running around like chickens with their heads cut off, you get to control tiny cars driven by insane drivers. At the start, cars and customizations are limited. But the more playing time and wins you rack up, the more the game gives. The good news is that winning is not required to really progress with the most important unlocks. It isn't uncommon to see a player with a losing record sporting the latest unlock available from the game. Rocket league is simple, so just outscore your opponent within the time limit.

Graphics & Audio

From the start, you are greeted with licensed music on the main menu. Everything about the game is colorful, outrageous and in your face. Making a goal in the game provides a satisfying explosion that sends everyone flying. Textures are very clean, and it is easy to identify friend from foe. Video customization is extensive, with the most important feature (the camera) having multiple ways to set it up. Camera controls are of course the most important, so developer Psyonix put a lot of work into that option. This is the one video option that requires the most tweaking before playing.

Game Play

Rocket League is easy to play but hard to master. If you go into it thinking that cars hitting balls is the concept, then prepare for a long and frustrating night of gameplay. The physics engine is the highlight of the game, so speed and angle count for everything. Like real football, entire sessions have ended with neither side scoring. Rocket League is a satisfying experience when you are playing just to goof off or to climb in the rankings. There are plenty of memorable moments with friends and strangers that will stay with you for weeks. But on the competitive side, things change a lot. It is worth mentioning that the casual, competitive and professional levels of Rocket League are like completely different games. There is a significant jump in the type of play with each, so casual players will sometimes have bad experiences. Since the matchmaking can be hit or miss, that is something to consider when playing.


A better matchmaking system would definitely help out new and old players that want to play the game. Rocket League is a game largely based on skill. This can frustrate a lot of players that don't put the time into learning the system. Nothing forces a player to rage quit like getting matched up with a guy several skill levels higher. And nothing is more infuriating than having your teammate quit in the middle of a match to force you into an even worse handicap. Despite these flaws, there truly is nothing else on the market like Rocket League. It is a shining example of a small title that prioritizes gameplay over everything else.


Despite a high learning curve, Rocket League is still an incredible game with plenty of life left.

Professional Critic Profile

35 reviews on GameSnort


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  2. Official links, where they appear, link to legal sources such as Steam, the Playstation Store, Windows Store, Nintendo Store, Google Play Store, iOS Store, GOG, Humble Bundle, and GameZerg.

From the Developers

What follows is the official description of Rocket League®, from the developers.

Soccer meets racing once again in our long-awaited, physics-based multiplayer-focused sequel to Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars! Choose a variety of high-flying vehicles equipped with huge rocket boosters and soar into the air to score amazing aerial goals, perform incredible saves, and even demolish enemy players at unbelievable speeds!

View the Rocket League Terms of Use at

Remote Play requires PS Vita system and sufficiently robust Wi-Fi connection.

Online features require an account and are subject to terms of service and applicable privacy policy ( &

1-4 players

Network Players 2-8 - Full game requires PlayStationPlus membership to access online multiplayer

8GB minimum save size


Remote Play

Online Play (Optional)

Software subject to license ( Online features require an account and are subject to terms of service and applicable privacy policy ( & One-time license fee for play on accounts designated primary PS4 system and other PS4 systems when signed in with that account.

Copyright 2015-2016, Psyonix Inc. ROCKET LEAGUE is the registered trademark of PSYONIX and the ROCKET LEAGUE and PSYONIX logos are the trademarks of Psyonix Inc. Copyrights and trademarks are protected under United States, foreign country, and international laws and treaties. All rights reserved.

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