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Yandere Simulator


Among the more chilling anime tropes is that of the yandere, a girl who displays her love through brutal, obsessive, and frightening behavior. It's a staple in anime, a character type that can be played for laughs or chills. It makes sense that this type of character would make its way into a video game, but it's surprising to see a game in which...[read more below]

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Among the more chilling anime tropes is that of the yandere, a girl who displays her love through brutal, obsessive, and frightening behavior. It's a staple in anime, a character type that can be played for laughs or chills. It makes sense that this type of character would make its way into a video game, but it's surprising to see a game in which players themselves take on this role. That's the basis of Yandere Simulator, a social stealth game that puts you in the shoes of a deranged schoolgirl.


There's no way to put the general concept of this game that isn't at least a bit upsetting. The player takes on the role of a Japanese schoolgirl who has a frightening crush on a male student and who will do anything to ensure he only loves her. This means stalking the love interested and eliminating anyone who is perceived as a rival. It's very much a game about obsession and one in which you're meant to take the role of a deluded and dangerous stalker.

Graphics & Audio

It's clear that a lot of work went into character design here, though most of those designs still feel like generic anime characters. Each one of the girls is distinctive enough to stand out, though NPCs can tend to run together fairly easily. Likewise, the audio seems to have some care put into it - but it's trying to fit into a specific box more than it's trying to do something new.

While a good deal of care went into the big-ticket items, the little things don't look great. The backgrounds are sparse, the animations are fairly basic, and there's a general feeling that there just wasn't enough time or money to put into anything but the main features. As such, the game just generally feels unfinished on a visual level.

Game Play

On a purely mechanical level, the gameplay here feels a lot like that of a Hitman game. You're going to find yourself spending a lot of time tracking your targets, but you're also going to have to spend a lot of time jumping through hoops so that you can reach your preferred end-state. It's not novel by any means, but it is a fairly good entry into that specific genre of play.

With that said, the gameplay isn't nearly as polished or as fun as in those games. The lower budget and team size for this game are incredibly clear when you play, and that's a shame. Worse, though, is the fact that even a perfectly-working session feels a little shallow. Concept aside, it just often feels like this is a demo more than a game.

Conclusion - Replayability

Yandere Simulator is either a darkly humorous social stealth game or a deeply disturbed, derivative murder simulator depending on your tastes. There's certainly not a lot on the market like it, though, and those who are fans of this trope will probably enjoy giving this game a try. It's certainly not for everyone, but it's not surprising that Yandere Simulator has found its audience.

Yandere Simulator puts you in the shoes of an obsessive school girl as you eliminate all the rivals for your crush's affections.

Professional Critic Profile

27 reviews on GameSnort


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214 weeks ago
After six years of progress this game is still a buggy mess. The only things I genuinely liked about the game were made from, mostly unpaid, volunteers. The leaked code was something I would have been able to write in 10th grade. And I am not a 32 year old man, that has been given more than enough money to at least go to some coding classes, so that the code wouldn't make me want to gouge my eyes out. He does have an Degree of Arts in Animation, but is working on the code and making volunteers work on the animations. This game has been in a sandbox state for seven years now, it is not even a pre alpha. It is still an extremely buggy, unenjoyable sandbox. He has been given enough money to hire another programmer, someone, who would actually be able to write at least decent code. I have a mid to high range pc, that can play almost all games on at least high setting without a problem and this game still runs at 40-70 fps, which is just an absolute joke.
214 weeks ago
The learning system has not changed since I played this game last in 2017, which it should have. Comparing this "Game" to Hitman and/or Persona is a joke. Hitman is a Game that has great mechanics, good gameplay, fleshed out and has a lot of very different ways to complete a level. Persona is a beautiful Japanese RPG, which nails you to your chair for a hundred hours, and you still feel it's not enough. Yandere Simulater on the other hand is a buggy mess, that had an interesting idea behind it, but has been ruined by the absolute incompetence behind this "Game". The characters are not interesting, the scenery looks unfinished and some things models look like extremely out of place. The main character is not fleshed out and plain boring, the model is the Aoi Character Pack from the unity store, where only the hair color has been changed. As long, as you don't watch every single video uploaded to the yandere dev YouTube channel, the game gives no intication of your objectives, mechanics
214 weeks ago
etc. Not only that but the instructions are for some reason showing controller keys, even tho I am playing with a keyboard. This issue has already been there since at least 2017 and has not been fixed yet. Not only that, but the Person behind this game disgusts me, blatend racism in some of his streams, homophobia, saying Homosexuals arent natural because they aren’t capable of 3D printing an organism, objectifying lesbians. Then, of course, the panty shot system, where the concept in itself is quite disgusting, even if "the characters are 18", which is just a cheap excuse for the panty shots and killing in the game. The thing that makes this a clear cheap excuse is the fact the main character refers to her love interest as "Senpai", which ether means older or more expierienced in a field. Therefore ha has to be older than the main character. His age can logically only be 18. Since this "Games" setting is in a Japanese high school, more specifically Senior high school/Upper secondary
214 weeks ago
Since this "Games" setting is in a Japanese high school, more specifically Senior high school/Upper secondary school, where ages 15-18 go to. Therefore the only people, that would logically be 18, would be the main protagonists crush and his class( classes 3-3, 3-2, 3-1). Logically, saying the main character is 18 is not valid. Having the classes divided in 3 levels/floors is done for a reason, since japanese Senior high school/Upper secondary school is divided in 3 grades: 1 (10th)(age:15-16), 2 (11th)(age:16-17), 3 (12th)(age:17-18). This makes the New Inventory System Proposal even more disgusting (https://yanderedev.wordpres... I am aware, that there also has been a more tasteful proposal, but that the linked one was a genuine proposal is disgusting.
231 weeks ago
How the heck to you get the game its really counfuzing
240 weeks ago
how can you get the game
240 weeks ago
Healthy Reminder: Yandere Dev is not a good person.
240 weeks ago
Sorry but YandereDev is a good person. It's just a game, you need to understand that.
240 weeks ago
YandereDev told someone to kill themselves on stream. Does that sound like a good person to you?
240 weeks ago
she is just trying to get the one she loves. plus she has a medical condition
240 weeks ago
yes i agree :]
227 weeks ago
claire they were talking about the game developer, not yandere-chan/ayano. also, i don't think she's "just trying to get with the one she loves" if she's literally killing and ruining the lives of highschoolers to taint some poor kid's love life. that's straight up obsession, not love. you said it yourself, too. if she has a medical condition, she needs medical help. another thing? i agree with cooper. i seriously doubt at this point that yandere dev is a good person with all the shit he's pulled.
241 weeks ago
the people who leave comments on here dont know how to spell
218 weeks ago
Don't* The* .*


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  2. Official links, where they appear, link to legal sources such as Steam, the Playstation Store, Windows Store, Nintendo Store, Google Play Store, iOS Store, GOG, Humble Bundle, and GameZerg.

From the Developers

What follows is the official description of Yandere Simulator, from the developers.

Yandere Simulator is a stealth game about stalking a boy and secretly eliminating anyone who seems interested in him, while maintaining the image of an innocent schoolgirl.

Here is a short list of some of the features you can look forward to:

Persistent Reputation: When you are spotted doing something incriminating, students will gossip about you. When your reputation is low, students will be cautious around you, and will consider you to be suspicious. When your reputation is high, students will let their guard down around you, and will be willing to do favors for you. Sanity Level: When you perform an act of violence, you will lose Sanity. This will cause you to appear visibly insane. If you lose too much Sanity, people will be able to tell that you are insane just by looking at you. If the boy you love sees you like this, he could never love you, and the game would be over. Sanity-Determined Kill Animations: The killing animations will be determined by your current level of Sanity. When your Sanity is high, your kills will be efficient, quick, and silent. When your Sanity is low, your kills will be sloppy, messy, and noisy. When you have lost all Sanity, your kills will be long, brutal, and sadistic. Yandere Vision: A button on the keyboard / controller will be dedicated entirely "Yandere" actions, such as creepy laughter. When Yandere Vision is active, important characters and objects will be highlighted and visible through walls. Panty Shots: A certain character will perform important favors for you if you send them photographs of girls' panties. Panty shots are a "currency" that can buy favors and give you various advantages.

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